daily favorites: gpts

AI THAT I USE DAILY >> ChatGPT GPTs >> https://chatgpt.com/ (Plus version; paid)

A custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a tailored version of an advanced AI language model, fine-tuned for specific tasks. It harnesses the power of natural language processing to deliver highly relevant and more accurate responses based on your unique needs and inputs. Building your own AI assistants is amazing to streamline workflows, enhance interactions, and provide personalized experiences by leveraging the instructions you give them and the specialized content you provide to/as their knowledge base.

You can control the entire AI process.

I've built so many for myself and clients in the past few months that I have lost count. But here are a few...

These are public and can be found on the GPT Store:
Marketing Framework Wizard

PIE Business Development Planner

Private, just for me or clients:
Go/No-Go GPT (tallies criteria and risk)
Interview Summarizer (find themes and insights)
JAM Network Navigator (our CRM)
AI in AEC Marketing (helps me market my specialty better)
Write Like Kristin (mimics my style)
RFQ Master (analyzes proposal requirements)
Proposal Helper GPT (uses proposals to craft new proposals)
HR Recruiting Assessment GPT (resume sorter)
Revenue Analysis GPT (analyze firm numbers)
Team Personality/Management GPT (train to be a better manager)

Each time I start a task, I think, can AI help me? The problem comes first, and then I find or create the AI to solve it. I open ChatGPT and use a custom GPT every. single. day.


proactive prompts
