“I had the pleasure of sitting in on your 'Oh My AI' presentation at SMPS Amplify, and weeks later, I am STILL raving to my colleagues about the depth of tools out there and the benefit to AEC marketers. Truly amazing presentation, thank you!”

~Senior PR Manager, Engineersing Firm. SMPS Amplify National Conference in July 2024. Kristin presented once for AI in BD, twice for AI in marketing, and once on the main stage for AI in proposals.

“Best conference/symposium I’ve been to in a long time. Inspiring stuff!”

~Practice Lead, MEP. Minds & Machines Chicago in July 2024. Kristin created the symposium and was a key speaker.

"Thank you for the great presentation today! Finally, a webinar that moved so quickly that I didn’t read emails at the same time. 😊"

~Joe Loidolt, President, Classic Homes. Chief Executive Network AIA in AEC seminar in February 2024. Kristin was the featured keynote.

"I attended your sessions and I have NEVER enjoyed a presentation as much as I enjoyed yours. I came back to the office with so much good intel and excitement....and now have gotten myself nominated to lead our newly developed "AI committee" (my first time as chair of a committee). This is all your fault."

~Holly Kimble, Marketing + Business Development Coordinator, Digital Engineering. SMPS SRC AI seminars and workshop in January 2023 and February 2024. Kristin was the featured speaker.

“One of our attendees said it was the most interesting and terrifying luncheon I have been to in years.”

– David Kim, Executive Director, Urban Land Institute Houston. Member luncheon seminar in June 2023 titled AI in Real Estate. Kristin was keynote and panelist.

“The buzz around your presentation was electric.”

– Sarah W Kinard, The Flamingo Project. SMPS Southern Regional Conference in January 2023. Kristin spoke twice on Digital Guerilla Marketing.

“I loved your talk - so much great information. I loved how I could use it immediately!”

– Janki DePalma, LEED AP, CPSM, Senior Associate, Kirksey Architecture. SMPS Southern Regional Conference in January 2023. Kristin spoke twice on Digital Guerilla Marketing.

”It was amazing and worth the conference price alone for your session. I tell everyone about it! It was life-changing!”

– Deanna Rodriguez, CPSM, Senior Associate, Marketing Manager, Walter P Moore. SMPS Southern Regional Conference in January 2023. Kristin spoke twice on Digital Guerilla Marketing.

”Your presentation during SRC blew me away. I left so inspired and excited! I appreciated that there was so much content in your presentation and minimal fluff. I really enjoyed hearing you speak and hope to learn more from you in the future!

Sara Grayum, Digital Content Specialist, Dunaway. SMPS Southern Regional Conference in January 2023. Kristin spoke twice on Digital Guerilla Marketing.

”Everyone was talking about you, the tools you provided, and how info PACKED your presentation was!”

– Anne-Marie Funk, FSMPS, CPSM, Marketing Strategy Manager, ADG Blatt Architects. SMPS Southern Regional Conference in January 2023. Kristin spoke twice on Digital Guerilla Marketing.

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