Powerful ai assistants

Exciting times in the world of AI! We are now witnessing the emergence of powerful AI assistants like Google Gems, Claude Projects, ChatGPT GPTs, and You.com Agents. Each of these platforms brings unique capabilities and features to the table, empowering users to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and foster creativity. Let's take a look at their strengths and weaknesses, helping you choose the right AI assistant for your needs. 🚀

TLDR: Comparison Summary

• Instruction Capacity: Claude Projects > Google Gems > ChatGPT GPTs > You.com (varies by model)

• Knowledge Integration: Claude Projects > ChatGPT GPTs > You.com > Google Gems

• App Integration: ChatGPT GPTs > Google Gems > You.com > Claude Projects

• Sharing Capabilities: ChatGPT GPTs > You.com > Claude Projects > Google Gems

• Mobile Performance: Claude > You.com ≈ ChatGPT > Google Gems (based on limited testing)

• Cost: You.com (free and paid) > Others (subscription required)

• Model Flexibility: You.com > ChatGPT GPTs > Google Gems > Claude Projects

• Ecosystem Maturity: Google Gems > ChatGPT GPTs > Claude Projects > You.com


Google Gems are customizable AI assistants integrated with Google Workspace.


• Seamless integration with Google Workspace apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)

• Large instruction capacity (~15,000 tokens)

• Internet access via Google search

• Ability to run code, analyze data, and perform mathematical operations

• Consistent user experience across Google products


• No knowledge file uploads

• Limited sharing capabilities (only Google-made Gems are shareable)

• Image generation not yet available (coming soon via Imagen 3)

• $20/month subscription required for creation and use

• Limited to Google ecosystem


Claude Projects are AI assistants created by Anthropic, known for their large context windows.


• Massive context window (200,000 tokens for instructions and knowledge files combined)

• Excellent for summarizing long texts or handling complex data-driven inquiries

• Fast response times in mobile app

• Ability to run code and perform data analysis

• Strong focus on safety and ethical AI


• No internet access

• No image generation capability

• Limited app integrations compared to competitors

• Requires $20+/month subscription for creation and use

• Less known brand compared to Google or OpenAI

Open AI

ChatGPT GPTs are customizable versions of OpenAI's popular ChatGPT model.


• Versatile toolset including web browsing, data analysis, and image generation (DALL-E)

• Ability to upload knowledge files (20x 512MB files)

• Extensive API connections with various apps

• Shareable with others via links or GPT Store

• Backed by OpenAI's powerful language models


• Smaller instruction capacity (8,000 characters, ~1,800 tokens)

• Mobile app can experience connection issues

• $20/month subscription required for creation, but free to use for others

• Slower response times compared to Claude in mobile app testing

• Potential privacy concerns due to data collection practices


You.com Custom Agents are a new offering, allowing users to create personalized AI assistants for free.


• Free to use

• Choice of three powerful language models: GPT-4, Llama 3, or Claude 3 Opus

• Customizable for specific use cases

• Integrated with You.com's search capabilities

• No subscription required


• Relatively new, so may have fewer features compared to established assistants

• Limited information on long-term support and development

• Potential learning curve for users new to customizing AI assistants

• Less established ecosystem compared to competitors

 What's your favorite?

Each platform offers unique strengths and caters to different user needs:

  • Google Gems excel in Google Workspace integration, making them ideal for users heavily invested in the Google ecosystem.

  • Claude Projects offer massive context windows, making them suitable for tasks involving large amounts of text or complex data analysis.

  • ChatGPT GPTs provide a versatile toolset with strong sharing capabilities, appealing to users who value flexibility and collaboration.

  • You.com Custom Agents offer a free, customizable option with access to powerful language models, making them attractive for users looking to experiment without financial commitment.

The choice between these platforms depends on specific needs, such as required app integrations, context capacity, desired features (e.g., image generation, internet access), budget constraints, and familiarity with AI customization. As the field of AI assistants continues to evolve, you should stay informed about new features and improvements across all platforms to make the best choice for their use case.


chatgpt o1 preview and o1 mini
