As someone who likes to give real-world metrics around AI, here's some around content creation.

I have been writing social media posts today with the help of several custom GPTs (AI assistants) that I built to make my work life easier. One in particular is called Write Like Kristin, and I have trained it extensively in my voice, tone, preferences, and style.

Using it, I have been able to craft 9 posts in about 60 minutes. That is one full and final post every 6 minutes. Not too shabby, I think.

I come up with the topics and custom prompts, then use the AI for first drafts, and then I spend a little more time editing for the final versions. This ensures that what I publish is true to who I am and what I want my audience to know. I am specific and never gate-keep.

I do NOT believe anyone who says they can create "100 social media posts in 15 minutes using AI" that are worthwhile for any audience to read. (Nor do I follow those people on social media. Ick.) Those 100 posts are vague, generic, and have no real value. It's definitely quantity over quality, and it is so boring. There is no reason to use AI for that kind of mass production unless you are truly lazy or you just want to spam/scam your audience.

And for the record, this post is 100% written by me. No AI help at all.

Want to learn how to build your own GPTs? I think this is one of the best seminars I have ever done.


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