geofencing for realtors

Many moons ago, I worked for a real estate company in their marketing department, and I grew up in the industry too… my mom was a Realtor for over 30 years. I understand your business.
Have you ever heard of geofencing?
JAM Idea Agency uses this digital advertising to reach people within a specific location (think about your own community or subdivision). We can place your ads to people in every home in that area or zip code. Plus, we capture the clicks and retarget them with additional ads or email messaging. Not only do you know where your ads are going, you know who sees them and who clicks on them.
If you are interested, we need 15-30 minutes to tell you more about it. It is specific, it is measurable, it is actionable, and it is affordable.
Within your marketing budget, you should REALLY consider adding geofencing to your arsenal. Most Realtors have no idea this type of marketing even exists, let alone are using it. This means you would have an advantage over other agents trying to find sellers in my subdivision.
We only take one agent per area, so if you would like to be the one in your community, let us know.


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