reject the ai noise

Even as the speed of AI advancement is exponential, it serves no purpose for anyone or any company to state its capabilities without context, description, and real examples.

AI can do a lot (!) in theory, but it can also do a lot (!!!) right now.

I REALLY dislike when someone says, “AI is a game-changer for X,” but then never explains the how, what, and why. Or when someone says, “Use AI to stay ahead by automating X” and gives NO specifics on what AI processes to use. And worse, “Deploy AI tools to do X” with NO mention of the recommended tools.

It's crazy out there folks, and this ins(AI)nity is harmful.

No wonder people are confused, unsure, and fearful. You are being fed all of these absolutes about AI, with no concrete and tangible real-life examples. This makes my blood boil.

If the posts or advice you keep seeing on your feed or if the presentations you keep seeing at conferences are repetitive and lacking in actionable insights… you are following the WRONG people. Change who you go to for information. If an AI post isn’t clear, then unfollow the person who posted it.

If you hear or read something about AI that makes sense and provides real value, follow that person.

When I meet an AI “expert” who gatekeeps, they do not get added to my network. I don’t follow them. I don’t listen to them. I don’t connect with them.

My mission is bold, yet simple: To ignite and energize the AEC industry by empowering professionals with AI knowledge, building a community of AI enthusiasts (techno-optimists unite!), and sparking innovation through accessible AI resources.

If I can be of any assistance to you in any way, I am here to help.




geofencing for realtors