Looking to elevate marketing for your business?

We are expert marketing advisors ready to offer a one-on-one partnership whether you want an audit, strategy, or implementation to move you forward.

One of our recent clients just told us, "You've given us more in five days than the other marketing group we've been working with for five months."

That's what we do. If you are ready to elevate your brand and marketing, we're ready to JAM.


Marketing should support operations and drive results. Everything we do is tied directly back to your business goals. If someone were to hand you an easy button for marketing yourself to the right audience, at the right time, in the right place, with the right message, and then follow up that brilliance with a detailed and data-driven report that shows what your budget bought, who your customers are, and what to do next? That easy button would be called JAM Idea Agency. 

We believe in purpose over popularity. What you do and why is critically important to your success. Just because something works for someone else, does not mean it will work for you. You are unique. You are special. Your marketing should be too. Let's find your exact equation for success from promotion through operations. We create results that matter to you with marketing that has meaning.

SEO and Keyword - Searchable Content

We deep dive into and analyze your website, social media channels, and competition to provide you with new, descriptive, optimized content that makes you more "findable" by people who are looking for your business type and services. Bios, descriptions, hashtags, page titles, permalinks, meta keywords, and photo tags - in EVERYTHING you publish online - all need to be carefully crafted to include shorttail and longtail queries. This ensures your content is crawled to maximum benefit and maintains consistent, higher rankings regardless of Google algorithm changes. It is a more sustainable way to approach your digital marketing.

Google - Use Tools That Get You Noticed

Google is the premier powerhouse in today's search engines. It makes sense to use the tools that Google owns in order to get ranked more favorably by them. This means Google My Business, You Tube, and Google Web Master, Search Console, and Analytics (G4). We can set these channels up for you and optimize them with better content, posts, images, and reporting. 

Social Media - Powerful Publicity

Picking the right social media platforms to be on doesn't have to be difficult. Each of them can be used effectively together, or separately, to dominate your niche and drive engagement. Whether you want awareness or leads, being honest, authentic, and creative in your messaging will boost your business. We can help in any capacity, from overall strategy to idea generation to graphics and scheduling. We can be involved in as much or as little as you need and want, but we are always here to help do it better.

Public Relations - We Help Reporters Help You

It's about getting the right message, to the right audience, at the right time, in the right way. And it starts with the "write" communication. With significant experience in both technical and non-technical (advertising and public relations) copywriting, JAM can craft the voice, tone, and call-to-action you want to say and your audience needs to hear. We deliver quality content.

Website - Your Most Prized Possession 

Your website is the center of your marketing universe. It is the sun. Everything you do should revolve around pulling your clients and customers to your pages. The front end must be beautiful and informative, and the backend must be efficient, accurate, and optimized. Every single word and photo needs care and attention - the foundation, the form, and the function. This is where details matter most, and our obsession with messaging, minutia, and metrics pays off. 


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