Although advanced digital marketing is not new, it is also beyond the realm of most people’s thinking when considering advertising or marketing. It just seems very future-esque, unless you are a big brand company with a big brand budget like Amazon or deep into emerging digital technology like Tesla. But this option is available to you, and we are betting that your competitors don’t have it or use it. We can provide a customized, targeted, client-prospecting process by harnessing the power of location-based or avatar-based advertising and capturing individualized data to engage interested clients.

We take full advantage of its capabilities and offer ad design, placement, monitoring, and strategy recommendations using:

  • Geofencing/Geolocation Campaigns

  • Retargeting Campaigns

  • Email Mapping Campaigns

  • Single Send Email Campaigns

  • Geoframing (Keyword and Lookalike Campaigns)

  • Conversation/Survey and Targeted Segments

  • Historical Geofencing Campaigns

  • Tracked Link Campaigns

  • Landing Page Campaigns

  • Facebook/Instagram Retargeting

  • Facebook/Instagram Email Mapping


Geofencing is a location-based technology that uses radio frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, or cellular data beacons to deliver a targeted ad or app notification when a mobile device enters or is located within a virtual geographic boundary, known as a geofence.

We build a virtual perimeter around a specific geographic location to deliver targeted messaging.

Geofencing can be used as a powerful marketing tool for generating awareness and interest in your services by enabling you to send targeted advertising to devices in a specific, pre-defined geographical area using virtual boundaries. 

As a brand-building tool, it is essential for people and companies who sell in a competitive environment, are geographically based, and want their messages to be and stay top of mind to a very specific audience. 


With the ability to hyper-target prospects in a specific geographic area, you can reach the right audience at the right time in the right place with the right messaging that is relevant and timely. 

Geofencing allows you to personalize the customer experience. If you’re marketing to a specific area, you can utilize the demographics of that local population and customize your promotions accordingly.


When your advertising is sent directly to your audience, your awareness increases and your engagement numbers can go up. With geofencing, you are spending marketing dollars on your best prospects and spending less money on those that are not.

Although geofencing is not new, it is also beyond the realm of most people’s thinking when considering advertising or marketing. It just seems very future-esque, unless you are a big brand with a big company budget like Amazon or deep into emerging digital technology like Tesla. But this option is available to you, and we are betting that your competitors don’t have it or use it… yet. Let’s blow them out of the proverbial digital waters, shall we?


Targets - Geofencing targets unknown people in a known location.  The most effective way to ensure your geofencing advertising budget is well spent is to run campaigns when and where you know there is a large gathering of qualified prospects. Geofencing is a top-of-funnel advertising channel, meaning it is most valuable as a brand awareness/nurturing tactic.

Channels - Geofences can be bound by specific points set by an administrator or by a radius around a location. The nature of geofencing means mobile advertising is the most effective channel. Geofenced ads are triggered when a mobile device is within the bounds of a geofence. Your prospects will receive your ads right on their own mobile device in whatever app they are using. The general rule is to keep your geofencing to a four- or five-minute travel radius (walking or driving). 

Messaging - You will absolutely want to have a clear call-to-action. The reason geofencing is so effective is because you are targeting people currently in the targeted demographic area—so give them a clear and immediate reason to click and engage. Geofencing is not as effective if the ad is vague or general in nature. So be succinct, but create interest and urgency with your messaging.

Timing – Although geofencing is more about where, you can still use when to your advantage. 

Total Marketing – You should utilize multiple techniques for best results and mix geofencing with content marketing, remarketing, search engine optimization, display advertising, printed collateral, and video advertising (just to name a few). Geofencing is only one part - but a significant part - of your overall marketing plan. 


With the growth of mobile phone usage (worldwide reached 70% in 2020 with more than 5 billion smartphone users today), mobile marketing has been growing by leaps and bounds. 

You can take full advantage of its capabilities with geofencing, an incredibly powerful way to harness the power of location-based marketing.

  • Mobile ads with geofencing have double the click-through rate.

  • Geofencing is compatible with 92% of smartphones.

  • The average consumer spends 5 hours a day on their mobile device. 

  • ​71% of consumers prefer a personalized ad experience.

  • 3 out of 4 consumers complete an action after receiving a message when targeted by location


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